
to Carrie’s Kiddos Daycare


Here are some common questions about Carrie’s Kiddos and our daycare services:

Carrie’s Kiddos provides daycare services for children of various age groups, from infants to kindergarten-ready kids.

We believe in a balanced approach, offering structured learning activities alongside ample free play time to foster creativity and cognitive development.

Our daycare program includes activities such as early literacy development, hands-on art projects, and outdoor play to stimulate cognitive and motor skills.

With a small group size, we can provide individualized attention to each child, nurturing strong relationships with caregivers and peers.

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How to Enroll

Reach out to Carrie’s Kiddos to schedule a tour and learn more about our daycare services.

Come see our nurturing environment firsthand and witness the balance of structured learning and free play.

Talk to our caregivers about your child’s cognitive and motor skills development goals to ensure a personalized approach.

Discover the variety of age-appropriate activities we offer, from early literacy development to hands-on art projects.